Indiana Style Reels
(Click on small images for an enlarged view)

This page consists
of different varieties and types of Indiana Style Reels. For the most
part, these are what I term the "Tined" varieties, and are my
favorites to collect. There are many other "Round" variations
also. These reels are termed Indiana styles because the biggest majority
of them were designed and manufactured in Indiana during the
teens through the 30's. There are also quite a few other varieties
that were made in the surrounding states, and many unmarked and homemade versions.
I am interested in
all of them. It really makes my day when I can add a new one or a variation
to this collection, and I would really get excited if I could add a box
or paperwork. I would truly appreciate any help adding another one to
my collection. And many thanks to all that have helped me so far.
Monarch Reel with name and patent date. |
Monarch Reel with patent date, name, and O.K.
Machine Company. |
Monarch Reel. Patent date only. No other
markings. Fort Wayne, Indiana. |
MARC Reel with aluminum tines. |
Unmarked Brass 6-Tine. |
MARC Reel with brass tines. |
Henry A. Kiest in older tin with Winchester
store tag. Knox, Indiana. |
Kuntz Reel. S.L. Kuntz Manufacturing. |
Henry A. Kiest in labeled tin. Knox, Indiana. |
Unmarked 4-Tine . |
Unmarked 6-Tine. |
Benson Anti-Backlash. |
Another variation of the Peters Reel. |
Peters Line Dryer and Casting Reel. Knox,
Indiana. |
Another variation of the Peters Reel. |
N.S. Adjustable Reel with Line Guide. |
Another variation of the Peters Reel. |
N.S. Adjustable Reel. Mfg. National Specialties
Co. Ft. Wayne, Indiana. |
Size comparison for large Heavy Duty Aluminum
Reel. |
Another Unmarked Heavy Duty aluminum Reel. This
is a very big Reel. I call it "The Ships Wheel". |

Unmarked Brass 4-tine in a really neat tin box. |
Unmarked Heavy Duty Aluminum Reel. |
Below is a detailed list of many of the antique
fishing reels that I am looking for. I would be interested in purchasing
a single reel and/or box, or several. I am intersted in any Indiana
Style Reel, Kentucky Reel, Early Non Levelwinding Reels manufactured
by Pennell and Montague, Baitcasting, Tournament Reels, Saltwater
Reels, Fly Reels, and more. I pay much more for reels in boxes.
Let me know what you have and maybe we can work something out. If you
have something that is not on this list, please feel free to run it by
me also.
Abbey & Imbrie, Abu Ambassadeur, T.H. Bates,
Benson, Billinghurst Birdcage Reels, Bluegrass Reel, Boyer Winona, Bradford
& Anthony, J.A. Coxe, Carlton Mfg. Co., Chamberlain Cartridge Co.,
J.C. Conroy, Cozzone, Creek Chub Wawasee, DNT Spider, Follett, Fullilove,
George W. Gayle, Rev-O-Noc, Hardworth, Hardy Bros., James Heddon and Sons,
Hendryx, Henshall Van Antwerp, Horton Mfg. Co., Bluegrass, Meek, Haywood,
Illingsworth, Jamison, Henry A. Kiest, Kiest Reel, H.H. Kiffe, Kosmic
Reel Co., S.L. Kuntz, Leonard, Liberty Bell, Litchfield, Louisville Castin
Co., Marshall Field, McGregor-Noe, Milam, B.C. Milam, B.C. Milam &
Sons, Meek-Milam, B.F. Meek, B.F. Meek & Sons, J.F. & B.F.
Meek, Meisselbach, Micro-Motor, Monarch, Montague, Moonlight, National
Specialty Co., OK Machine Co., C.F. Orvis, G.W. Payne, Penn, Pennell,
Peters Bait Company, Pettigill, Pflueger, 4 Brothers, Rider Casting Reel,
Rochester Reel Co., Schmelzer Arms Co., Schooenfeld Gutter Sea Gull, William
Skaespeare Jr., W.S. Jr., Shakespeare Hoosier, Oval Logo, Early South
Bend Reels, Intro South Bend Reel Boxes, Pekin, Stockford, Talbot,
Talbot Reel & Mfg. Co., Abercrombie & Fitch, Comet, Meteor,
Neptune, Niangua, Star, Eli Terry, Virginia Reel, Edward Vom Hofe, Frederick
Vom Hofe, Julius Vom Hofe, Wheeler & McGregor, Thos. E. Wilson, Wilson
Wobbler Good Luck Reel, Willoughby, Winchester, Yawman & Erbe, etc....Please
view my other pages to see a list of the many Antique Fishing Lures and boxes
that I am also always interested in purchasing.